Saturday, May 7, 2016

Read Across America Week!

Read Across America Week is one of my absolute favorites!
We started off Monday with Crazy Hat Day...
Tuesday was Twin Day...

(the Force was strong with a few of us)...
In case you missed it, your Stonegate teachers had fun dressing up together too!
On Wednesday (Pajama Day), Superintendent Linda Luna came and read to our class.  What an honor and what a wonderful reader!
Who wouldn't want to spend a day in pajamas?
We also had two student athletes from Sac State come read to us too!
Crazy Sock Day was Thursday!

Last but not our least favorite day, Friday was Crazy Colors Day!
Also during Read Across America week, our class researched different authors and read several (picture) books by each one.  Our author study made it up on the office bulletin board!
Our staff pictures are also featured on the office bulletin board directly to your right when you walk in.
Check out our wonderful work!

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