Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16-17

Don't worry, we're not wrestling...we're playing toe tag during PE!  Our group learned about different aspects of being physically fit, including agility, flexibility, endurance, balance, and strength! 
Learning about the Constitution...this was a quiz at the end of a short video.  Your third grader should be able to tell you the answer!  Fun fact: tomorrow is Constitution Day!
You may not always see math papers coming home, but we are hard at work!  Here DJ is solving a multiplication problem on his whiteboard...
...and we usually build in time to explain our reasoning to a partner.  This is a VERY important part of Common Core!
Perfect explanation of an array and its corresponding multiplication equation!
Great job, Carlos!  I like how you showed your addition reasoning!
Nate solved it in two shakes of a lamb's tail!
We used the skill of RallyCoach for our math this morning.  Two partners share one piece of paper and one pencil.  One person solves a problem while the other partner coaches, then they switch roles!  This again gives each person a chance to explain their reasoning as well as solve the problems on their own.

Third graders are capable of so much!!  I love seeing it!


  1. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos Ms.Raski! I am so proud of my son Carlos and I am so thankful to you for guiding and helping him learn so much. Keep up the fantastic hard work you do as a teacher. We appreciate you very much!!!!

    Carlos' mom

  2. I love seeing everything you and the children are doing in class. It's so nice to be able to have a "peek" inside their ever day school-world!
