Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Apple Day!

We are starting our Fruits unit in conjunction with the UC Nutritional Education program.  Friday was a great kickoff, where we learned all about apples!

First thing in the morning, each student got 1/3 of an apple to dice for our crockpot applesauce...

...into which we added many apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, a bit of butter, lemon juice, and brown sugar...

When that was done cooking (and it smelled AMAZING!) we tried dried apples, freeze-dried apples, fresh apples, applesauce, and apple donuts.  So not everything was exactly HEALTHY, but it sure was tasty!

Thank you, parents, for sending in apples and supporting our fun (and educational) days!

1 comment:

  1. Wow....what an amazing hands on learning real-world......and fun experiment!
